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Shopify Finances Report

How to use the Finances Report to compare Shopify's financial summary with A2X's accounting data.

Ashley Schroder avatar
Written by Ashley Schroder
Updated over a week ago

The Finances Report is an internal A2X virtual report that matches the A2X data to the Shopify Finances Summary report.

You can access the report here:

The purpose of the report is to allow a high level reconciliation for a period (day, week, or month) from A2X's internal accounting against Shopify's own store report.

The report should be consistent with Shopify but in most cases won't match perfectly. The main exceptions will be due to timing differences (for which you might expect <1% difference) and for variations in the accounting treatment of sales, discounts and returns between A2X and Shopify.

If you find some payment gateways are reporting incorrectly or missing, please contact A2X support immediately and we will diagnose the issue.

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