About A2X for PayPal
A2X for PayPal imports your PayPal statements and posts them to your accounting system in a way that makes it easy to reconcile the deposits and withdrawals in a more efficient way.
The A2X for PayPal solution is a more efficient solution for accountants and bookkeepers than using a native PayPal bank feed in your accounting ledger:
Reconciles PayPal perfectly
If you are using A2X for Shopify, automates the other half of the Shopify PayPal gateway clearing account
Scales to support thousands of daily transactions without sending thousands of individual transactions to the accounting system
A2X also supports Amazon and Shopify, you can connect all of your marketplaces to a single accounting system for multi-channel sellers
Offers a "mix and match" settings to generate individual payments to suppliers and bank deposits and withdrawals
Supports multi-currency PayPal wallets
1. Creating an A2X for PayPal account
If you already have an existing A2X account, you can create a new account by using the left hand side bar and choosing the option 'Create new account' at the bottom of the screen.
This is where you can choose the new type of account you wish to create, including PayPal.
If you wish to include PayPal as part of the related group of A2X accounts, choose continue to existing account.
Once your account is created it should look like this. You can assign a customized name to PayPal by clicking on the pencil icon, and entering the account name. This can be updated at any time, within the account section of settings.
Now you are ready to set up your new A2X for PayPal account.
1. Connecting to your accounting ledger
Click the Connect button for your accounting system and proceed with the connection process. You will be redirected to your accounting system to grant A2X permission.
If you are connecting A2X for PayPal to the same accounting system that you are already connected to with a different A2X account (for example Amazon or Shopify), you should choose to share the existing connection, rather than create a new connection.
2. Connecting A2X for PayPal account to your PayPal account
You'll have two options to connect A2X to your PayPal account.
If you are the administrator of your PayPal account, choose the first option. Follow the instructions linked in the document to the right to generate your credentials and input your Client ID and Client Secret, then click 'Connect':
If you are not the administrator of the PayPal account (you may for example be an accountant or bookkeeper) choose the second option to send the PayPal administrator an email with instructions to authorize the A2X for PayPal integration
For more detailed instructions on how to find your PayPal Client ID and Secret, click here.
Once connected you'll be redirected back to A2X and your most recent statements will begin to import into A2X. The process usually takes 5-10 minutes.
If you wish to import more PayPal history, follow the instructions in this article.
Once imported you the PayPal statements will appear as follows:
3. Configuring the accounts and taxes for your PayPal Statements
You need to configure A2X for PayPal to map your PayPal transactions into your accounting system.
A2X has an option to choose an Auto Setup process, which will create several generic default accounts, or you can select your own individual mappings. We recommend working with your accountant on this initial setup as it will impact how the PayPal transactions appear in your financial reports.
Please Note: For more information about these mappings or if you have specific requirements that are not handled by the current mapping, please contact the A2X support team.
4. Posting the Statements and reconciling them in your accounting system
Once you have connected and configured your account, you can send your Statements to your accounting system.
Before you send your statements to your accounting system, you need to ensure that:
1. You have established the correct opening balance for each PayPal bank account, and
2. You have disabled your legacy system - for example the native bank feeds.
Please read this article that will explain how to set up your accounting system prior to posting statements.
You will then see the statements in your accounting system (for QBO these will be general journals, and for Xero these will be invoices).
Hint: If you are in chat and wish to view the article outside of the chat window, please click HERE.