If the settlement period is inside of one month, then A2X will send only one invoice over to Xero. Xero will usually automatically detect the matching invoice total and deposit amount, and it will suggest the match in the reconcile screen for you.
If the settlement period spans over two months, A2X creates two invoices and sends them to Xero. In Xero, you will need to click 'Find & Match' to select the two invoices that correspond to the settlement deposit from Amazon.
If you have a bank account in Xero in a currency that does not match your Amazon invoices, then please ensure that you've un-checked the 'Show [CURRENCY] items only' option in the 'Find & Match' reconcile screen, so that Xero will search for invoices in other currencies.
To learn more about handling and reconciling Amazon Invoices in foreign currency against Amazon deposits, please click HERE
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