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How to balance or reconcile your pre 2024 Amazon 1099K to Amazon reports and A2X reports: Step by Step Complete Guide
How to balance or reconcile your pre 2024 Amazon 1099K to Amazon reports and A2X reports: Step by Step Complete Guide

Need to Balance your 1099K to Amazon Seller Central Reports? Need to Balance your 1099K to A2X Reports?

Iona Bird avatar
Written by Iona Bird
Updated over a month ago

Amazon provides a wide range of reports in Seller Central and navigating them or just knowing which report to use can sometimes seem like an impossible feat.
Furthermore, when it comes to attempts to reconcile back to an Amazon 1099K, it can feel like there is an overload of information available, but none of it really tells you what to do, what to use and how to achieve the end result.

Important Note:

In the 2019 Amazon issued 1099K, they have removed the marketplace facilitator tax amounts. This means that in 2018 they are included, but in 2019 they are not included. If you are reconciling your 2019 year, do not include the marketplace facilitator tax amounts in your calculations.

  • In Part 1 of this guide, we will step through an example of the method used to reconcile your Amazon Date Range Transaction Reports and your Amazon Date Range Summary Reports to the Annual 1099K (part 1).

  • In Part 2 of this guide, we will cover the method used to reconcile your A2X Settlement Data to the Annual 1099K (part 2). 

For this guide we will reconcile one month only, however, the same principles apply for calculating the complete year.


Reconciling your Amazon Date Range Transaction Report or your Amazon Summary Statement to your Amazon 1099K.

Information required:
1099K Report

Amazon Date Range Transaction Report
Amazon Summary Seller Statement

Amazon 1099K Report
The Amazon 1099K is generally sent to the Primary Seller Account owner only. You may also be able to access your 1099-K online.  

Here are the steps to access this form:

  1. Login to your Amazon Seller Account

  2. Hover over reports

  3. Select “Tax Document Library“

  4. Download the PDF of your Amazon 1099-K form for the applicable tax year

Sample Report

Amazon Date Range Transaction Report 

To generate a Date Range Report, follow these steps in Amazon seller central: 

  1. Go to Reports > Payments

  2. Select 'Date Range Reports'

  3. Click on 'Generate Report'

  4. In the Generate date range report pop-up box, select report type: Transaction

  5. Select reporting range: 'Month' or 'Custom'

  6. Enter the specified date information and click 'Generate'

  7. The report will download in CSV format

Please Note: You will need to download the report for both Standard Orders and Invoiced Orders (B2B)

Sample Report

Amazon Summary Seller Statement

To generate a Date Range Summary Report, follow these steps in Amazon seller central: 

  1. Go to Reports > Payments

  2. Select 'Date Range Reports' 

  3. Click 'Generate Report'

  4. In the Generate date range report pop-up box, select report type: Summary

  5. Select reporting range: 'Month' or 'Custom'

  6. Enter the specified date information and click 'Generate'

Please Note: You will need to download the report for both Standard Orders and Invoiced Orders (B2B)

Sample Report - Standard Orders Statement

Sample Report - Invoiced Orders Statement

With the gathered information, you are now ready to commence the reconciliation process. In our example, we are reconciling the month of July.

The 'Unadjusted Gross Sales' reported on our sample 1099K report is $107,395.12.

To balance the Date Range Transaction Statement with the 1099K reported number for July, the following information needs to be gathered from the Transaction report:

  • Product Sales (Orders only)

  • Shipping Credits (Orders only)

  • Giftwrap Credits (Orders only)

  • Promotional Rebates (Orders only)

  • Sales Tax Collected (Orders only)

  • Marketplace Facilitator Tax (Orders only)

The total of these amounts should equal the 1099K Unadjusted Gross Sales number.

We advise using Google Sheets or Excel to create a pivot table based on the date range report data and quickly pick out the required numbers. Or, you can apply a filter on the 'Type' column within the report to filter only the 'Orders' and  get the totals of the columns you need.

You can see below a sample showing the column totals added in for the month of July:

And the same for Invoiced Orders (B2B)

Or displayed in the form of a Pivot Table

As outlined in the screenshots above and reported on the Amazon Date Range Transactions Report, our Unadjusted Gross Sales for the month of July is:

Product Sales $105,021.13 (Standard Orders + Invoiced Orders)
Shipping Credits $2,086.49
Giftwrap Credits $6.98
Promotional Rebates ($2,346.14)
Sales Tax Collected $2,758.19
Marketplace Facilitator Tax ($265.00)

To balance the Summary Transaction Statement to the 1099K reported number for July, the following information needs to be gathered from the Summary report:

  • Product Sales (non-FBA)

  • FBA Product Sales

  • Shipping Credits

  • Giftwrap Credits

  • Promotional Rebates

  • Sales Tax Collected

  • Marketplace Facilitator Tax 

Please Note: Amazon includes the Marketplace Facilitator Tax refunds in the Marketplace Facilitator tax total on the Summary Date Range report, yet this is not included as part of the 1099K.

Standard Orders Summary Statement

Invoiced Orders (B2B) Summary Statement

Now, our Amazon Date Range Transaction Report as well as the Amazon Date Range Summary Report are balanced, as outlined below:


Reconciling your A2X Settlement Reports to your Amazon 1099K.

Information required:
1099K Report
A2X Settlement Statement export

Amazon 1099K Report
The Amazon 1099K is generally sent to the Primary Seller Account owner only. You may also be able to access your 1099-K online.  

Here are the steps to access this form:

  1. Login to your Amazon Seller Account

  2. Hover over reports

  3. Select “Tax Document Library“

  4. Download the PDF of your Amazon 1099-K form for the applicable tax year

Sample Report

A2X Settlement Export
The A2X Settlement Reports can be exported directly from within your A2X account. 

Here are the steps to export the required data from A2X:

1. Login to your A2X Account

2. Enable 'Bulk Actions' by clicking into the checkbox

3. Select the relevant settlements and click "Export Settlements"

This will download a CSV file to your computer. 

4. Open the CSV file and sort the data by date to include only the month you are reconciling (remove the lines that are not part of the month you are reconciling).

5. Create a pivot table to group the transaction lines together in each of their categories.

6. In the pivot table tab, add 'Description' to the Rows category and add 'Amount' to the Values category (Google Sheets).

7. Lastly, you will need to go through and add up all items as highlighted below:

The end result is the following:

  • Amazon Date Range Transaction Report balances to the Amazon 1099K

  • Amazon Date Range Summary Report balances to the Amazon 1099K

  • A2X Settlement Data balances to the Amazon 1099K

This is also reflected in the table below.

The same method outlined above can be applied to all months of the year, so you can balance back to the full year Amazon 1099K report. It is common to see a small difference in one month, that is taken up the following month with Amazon reporting, so it is recommended that you complete this procedure for each month of the year, if you wish to ensure the full year balances.

Feel free to contact our support team if you have questions regarding the procedures outlined in this guide.

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