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How to upload my Amazon Chart of Accounts file for QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Enterprise
How to upload my Amazon Chart of Accounts file for QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Enterprise

How to export your Amazon related chart of accounts from QuickBooks, and how to create your CSV file for upload

Iona Bird avatar
Written by Iona Bird
Updated over a year ago

Building on the previous article that guided you through setting up A2X for use with QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Enterprise, in this article we will guide you through the creation of your chart of accounts CSV file.

You will export your chart of accounts from QuickBooks, and then use this data to create your chart of accounts CSV file for upload. 

Please Note: This article is written specifically for QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Enterprise.

Let's get started!

STEP 1: Export Chart of Accounts File from QuickBooks 

Windows: File > Utilities > Export > Lists to IIF Files
Mac: File > Export > Lists to IIF Files

Check the "Chart of Accounts" box and click "OK"

Name your file and click Save. It will be saved as an IIF file.

Please note: The following list of account types are required to complete A2X's accounts and taxes mapping.

  • Amazon Revenue (Income)

  • Amazon Fees (Expense)

  • Amazon Advertising (Expense)

  • Amazon Settlement Bank (Bank)

  • Amazon Carry Forward Balance (Asset)

  • Amazon Credit Card (CC)

  • Amazon Inventory (Asset)

  • Amazon Cost of Goods (COGS)

  • Amazon Pending Balance (Asset)

  • Amazon Reserved Balance (Asset)

  • Sales Tax Liability (Liability)

  • Amazon Lending (Liability)

STEP 2: Edit your Chart of Accounts IIF file and save as CSV to upload into A2X

Open your IIF file with Excel

Right-click on your file > Open with > Excel.

Handy Hints:

If Excel is not an available option, open Excel and go to File > Open > Browse > select the folder with your downloaded IIF file (e.g. Downloads) > change to All Files > select your IIF file.


Choose text editor open and copy/paste the data into Excel.

Below is an example of your iif chart of accounts file exported from QuickBooks Desktop. The information needed for your chart of accounts for A2X file is highlighted in orange. (Account Name, Type, and Number)

Copy/paste the orange columns into a CSV file.

Please note: Account numbers are required in the file. You can manually add account numbers to your file (typically any unique 4 or 5 digit number will work) or you can enable account numbers in QuickBooks. To enable account numbers in QuickBooks, go to Preferences > Transactions in QuickBooks and check the 'Use account numbers' box.

After copy/pasting the columns into a CSV file, the Chart of Accounts file should look like this:

Important note: If you have sub-accounts, account names should be listed as parent account:sub account. Example-

Your CSV file is now ready for upload!

STEP 3: Upload your chart of accounts file in A2X Settings > Connections 

Choose your file and click on the orange Upload Accounts button.

You are now ready to map your accounts!

Should you need any assistance with your Chart of Accounts file upload, please contact our support team with any questions.

Further A2X for Amazon support material can be found HERE.

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