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A2X for Amazon - Accounts Mapping: Transaction Type Categories
A2X for Amazon - Accounts Mapping: Transaction Type Categories

V2. A2X Accounts and Taxes page transaction type categories

Iona Bird avatar
Written by Iona Bird
Updated over a year ago

A2X has a default set of 'default' transaction types which are found on the Accounts and Taxes mapping page. Within each of these categories are the individual transaction lines that A2X consolidates from your settlement data.

For more information about the A2X default accounts and guidelines how to let A2X automatically create these accounts for you, click HERE

Each transaction type listed on the accounts and taxes page serves to ease the mapping process by grouping certain transaction lines into the respective transaction types. This is explained in more detail below.

Please Note: the information shared below does not include absolutely everything you will find within the expanded categories of the Accounts and Taxes page, but it does cover most of it. For any questions, please contact our support team.

The adjustments found under this category can relate to adjustments for sales, fees and miscellaneous charges.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create an expense account called 'Amazon Seller Fees and Charges' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Amazon Advertising category can include items such as Amazon ad spend (Cost of Advertising), lightning deal fees and other advertising costs.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create an expense account called 'Amazon Advertising' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Amazon Delivery and Transport category can include items such as charges for inventory labels, inventory placement fees and inbound transportation fees.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create an expense account called 'Amazon FBA Fees' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Commissions and Selling Fees category can include items such as Order Item Commission fees, Refund Item Commission fees.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will use the expense account called 'Amazon Seller Fees and Charges' that we have created in your accounting system and this will include the items from this category.

The Fulfillment and Warehousing category can include Amazon charges for shipping from FBA warehouses, warehouse prep fees, disposal and removal fees as well as storage fees.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will use the expense account called 'Amazon FBA Fees' we created in your accounting system and this will include the items from this category.

The Lending category includes amounts related to Amazon finance or lending. Unfortunately Amazon doesn't split the principal and interest amounts in settlements, so any repayment amounts will be inclusive of the interest portion.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create a current liability account called 'Amazon Loans' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Other category can include miscellaneous items such as gift wrap fees, goodwill, restocking fees and manual processing fees.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will use the expense account called 'Amazon Seller Fees and Charges' that we have created in your accounting system and this will include the items from this category.

On rare occasions where a payout fails, or there is an amount owed to Amazon you may see transaction lines such as 'Transfer Unsuccessful' or 'Payable to Amazon'. On summary statements in Amazon you may have seen these amounts referred to as a 'carry-over balance'. These transaction lines are found within the Pending Balance category.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create a current asset account called 'Amazon Pending Balances' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Product Refunds category will include items such as Principal Item Price refunds (refunds from sales) as well as refunded goodwill amounts.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create an income account called 'Amazon Refunds' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Product Sales category contains your Principal Item Price amounts (sales).

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create an income account called 'Amazon Sales' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Promotions category contains promotional discount amounts, usually applied to sales.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will use the expense account called 'Amazon Promotions' that we have created in your accounting system and this will include the items from this category.

The Refund and Return Fees category can include items such as fees charged for refunds/returns such as, FBA Customer Return Per Order Fees and FBA Customer Return Weight Based Fees.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will use the expense account called 'Amazon Seller Fees and Charges' that we have created in your accounting system and this will include the items from this category.

The Reimbursements category can include items related to inventory reimbursements, often due to lost or damaged stock. In this category you may see items such as Reimbursement Customer Return, FBA Inventory Adjustment Customer Return, Warehouse Damaged and Warehouse Lost.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create an income account called 'Amazon Reimbursements' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Reserved Balance category includes the settlement amounts reserved by Amazon, you may refer to this as the 'unavailable balance'. These are the amounts Amazon sometimes withholds from your net deposit. Within this category you will generally see a Current Reserve Line and a Previous Reserve line.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create a current asset account called 'Amazon Reserved Balances' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Shipping category will generally contain amounts charged by Amazon for shipping as well as shipping charge-backs or hold-backs.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create an income account called 'Amazon Shipping' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

The Subscription and Service Fees category will include items such as the monthly Amazon subscription fee for your seller account, as well as any applicable service fees.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will use the expense account called 'Amazon Seller Fees and Charges' that we have created in your accounting system and this will include the items from this category.

The Tax category will include transaction lines relating to tax amounts that have been calculated and separated out by Amazon. Depending on your individual set up with Amazon, in here you may find the principal, gift wrap and shipping tax amounts, refund tax amounts, as well as any applicable marketplace facilitator tax amounts.

If you are using the A2X default set of accounts for your mapping, A2X will create a current liability account called 'Amazon Sales Tax Collected' in your accounting system which will include the items from this category.

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